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재무정보 선택 (Select Financial Information)
  • 2023
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재무상태표 (단위 : 백만원, million won), %
항목 (Item) 2023년 2022년 2021년 2020년
금액 (Amount) 증감률 (Increase Rate) 금액 (Amount) 증감률 (Increase Rate)
자본총계 (Total assets) 289,890 -0.75% 292,068 2.55% 284,817 283,280
부채와 자본 총계(Total liabilities) and stockholders’ equity) 875,472 -3.15% 903,926 2.78% 879,468 887,205
유동자산 (Current assets) 323,743 -4.19% 337,904 24.33% 271,781 247,073
비유동자산 (Non-current assets) 551,729 -2.53% 566,023 -6.86% 607,687 640,132
자산총계 (Total assets) 875,472 -3.15% 903,927 2.78% 879,468 887,205
유동부채 (Current liabilities) 392,861 23.58% 317,890 79.47% 177,126 246,738
비유동부채 (Non-current liabilities) 192,721 -34.44% 293,968 -29.59% 417,525 357,187
부채총계 (Total liabilities) 585,582 -4.29% 611,858 2.89% 597,651 603,925
자본금 (Capital stock) 19,362 0.00% 19,362 0.00% 19,362 19,362
기타불입자본 (Other paid-in capital) 68,007 0.02% 67,992 -0.60% 68,401 66,548
이익잉여금 (Earned surplus) 202,521 -1.07% 204,714 3.89% 197,054 197,370
손익계산서 (Income statement) (단위 : 백만원), (unit: million won), %
항목 (Item) 2023년 2022년 2021년 2020년
금액 (Amount) 증감률 (Increase Rate) 금액 (Amount) 증감률 (Increase Rate)
매출액 (Revenue) 1,488,921 5.50% 1,411,305 6.17% 1,329,252 1,236,995
매출총이익 (Gross profit) 234,495 13.43% 206,738 3.57% 199,612 159,605
영업이익 (Operating profit) 26,424 28.41% 20,577 -31.30% 29,952 7,962
법인세차감전순이익 (Pre-tax income) 14,920 407.03% -4,859 -193.26% 5,211 -26,644
법인세 비용(수익)(Corporation tax) 4,275 714.31% 525 -75.78% 2,168 -4,862
세후중단영업분기순손실(Net loss after tax from discontinued operations) - - - - -626 -203
당기순이익(손실) (Net income) 10,645 297.70% -5,384 -322.77% 2,417 -21,984
재무상태표 (Statement of the company’s financial position) (단위 : 백만원), (unit: million won), %
항목 (Item) 1Q 2023년 4Q 2022년 1Q 2022년
금액 (Amount) Y/Y 증감률 (Y/Y Increase Rate) Q/Q 증감률 (Q/Q Increase Rate)
자본총계 (Total assets) 297,321 2.04% -0.26% 292,069 285,483
부채와 자본 총계(Total liabilities) and stockholders’ equity) 858,821 -1.67% -4.99% 903,927 873,401
유동자산 (Current assets) 295,942 0.43% -12.42% 337,904 294,689
비유동자산 (Non-current assets) 562,879 -2.74% -0.56% 566,023 578,712
자산총계 (Total assets) 858,821 -1.67% -4.99% 903,927 873,401
유동부채 (Current liabilities) 328,317 20.46% 3.28% 317,890 272,563
비유동부채 (Non-current liabilities) 239,183 -24.15% -18.64% 293,968 315,355
부채총계 (Total liabilities) 567,500 -3.47% -7.25% 611,858 587,918
자본금 19,362 0.00% -0.01% 19,363 19,362
기타불입자본 (Other paid-in capital) 68,174 -0.38% 0.27% 67,992 68,435
이익잉여금 (Earned surplus) 203,785 3.09% -0.45% 204,714 197,686
손익계산서 (Income statement) (단위 : 백만원), (unit: million won), %
항목 (Item) 1Q 2023년 4Q 2022년 1Q 2022년
금액 (Amount) Y/Y 증감률 (Y/Y Increase Rate) Q/Q 증감률 (Q/Q Increase Rate)
매출액 (Revenue) 349,290 7.84% -3.09% 360.443 323,901
매출총이익 (Gross profit) 51,426 9.88% 1.89% 50.472 46,800
영업이익 (Operating profit) 4,565 16.17% 19.60% 3.817 3,930
법인세차감전순이익 (Pre-tax income) 2,832 -43.41% 115.07% -18.788 5,004
법인세비용(수익) (Corporation tax) 1,196 -5.21% -139.89% -2.999 1,262
세후중단영업분기순손실(Net income) - - - - -
당기순이익(손실)(Net income) 1,636 -56.29% -110.36% -15.789 3,742
재무상태표 (Statement of the company’s financial position) (단위 : 백만원), (unit: million won), %
항목 (Item) 2Q 2023년 1Q 2023년 2Q 2022년
금액 (Amount) Y/Y 증감률 (Y/Y Increase Rate) Q/Q 증감률 (Q/Q Increase Rate)
자본총계 (Total assets) 297,592 1.73% 2.15% 297,320 292,524
부채와 자본 총계(Total liabilities) and stockholders’ equity) 859,497 -2.74% 0.08% 858,821 883,716
유동자산 (Current assets) 300,708 -1.97% 1.61% 295,942 306,739
비유동자산 (Non-current assets) 558,789 -3.15% -0.73% 562,879 576,977
자산총계 (Total assets) 859,497 -2.74% 0.08% 858,821 883,716
유동부채 (Current liabilities) 321,230 14.40% -2.16% 328,318 280,795
비유동부채 (Non-current liabilities) 240,675 -22.46% 0.62% 239,183 310,397
부채총계 (Total liabilities) 561,905 -4.95% -0.99% 567,501 591,192
자본금 19,363 0.00% 0.01% 19,362 19,363
기타불입자본 (Other paid-in capital) 68,073 -0.60% -0.15% 68,174 68,487
이익잉여금 (Earned surplus) 210,156 2.68% 3.13% 203,784 204,674
손익계산서 (Income statement) (단위 : 백만원), (unit: million won), %
항목 (Item) 2Q 2023년 1Q 2023년 2Q 2022년
금액 (Amount) Y/Y 증감률 (Y/Y Increase Rate) Q/Q 증감률 (Q/Q Increase Rate)
매출액 (Revenue) 369,999 4.6% 5.93% 349,290 353,726
매출총이익 (Gross profit) 58,845 5.18% 14.43% 51,426 55,948
영업이익 (Operating profit) 8,003 -6.33% 75.30% 4,565 8,544
법인세차감전순이익 (Pre-tax income) 7,904 -2.2% 179.10% 2,832 8,079
법인세비용(수익) (Corporation tax) 1,776 100.2% 48.45% 1,196 887
세후중단영업분기순손실(Net loss after tax from discontinued operations) - - - - -
당기순이익(손실)(Net income) 6,128 -14.8% 274.68% 1,636 7,193
재무상태표 (Statement of the company’s financial position) (단위 : 백만원), (unit: million won), %
항목 (Item) 3Q 2023년 2Q 2023년 3Q 2022년
금액 (Amount) Y/Y 증감률 (Y/Y Increase Rate) Q/Q 증감률 (Q/Q Increase Rate)
자본총계 (Total assets) 302,373 3.53% 1.61% 297,592 292,076
부채와 자본 총계(Total liabilities) and stockholders’ equity) 871,197 -0.24% 1.36% 859,497 873,306
유동자산 (Current assets) 320,524 4.55% 6.59% 300,708 306,571
비유동자산 (Non-current assets) 550,673 -2.83% -1.45% 558,789 566,735
자산총계 (Total assets) 871,197 -0.24% 1.36% 859,497 873,306
유동부채 (Current liabilities) 382,070 38.96% 18.94% 321,230 274,943
비유동부채 (Non-current liabilities) 186,754 -39.03% -22.40% 240,675 306,287
부채총계 (Total liabilities) 568,824 -2.13% 1.23% 561,905 581,230
자본금 19,362 0.00% 0.00% 19,363 19,361
기타불입자본 (Other paid-in capital) 68,194 -0.73% 0.18% 68,073 68,697
이익잉여금 (Earned surplus) 214,817 5.29% 2.22% 210,156 204,018
손익계산서 (Income statement) (단위 : 백만원), (unit: million won), %
항목 (Item) 3Q 2023년 2Q 2023년 3Q 2022년
금액 (Amount) Y/Y 증감률 (Y/Y Increase Rate) Q/Q 증감률 (Q/Q Increase Rate)
매출액 (Revenue) 393,013 5.30% 6.22% 369,999 373,235
매출총이익 (Gross profit) 64,420 20.37% 9.47% 58,845 53,517
영업이익 (Operating profit) 7,783 81.55% -2.75% 8,003 4,287
법인세차감전순이익 (Pre-tax income) 6,139 626.82% -22.33% 7,904 845
법인세비용(수익) (Corporation tax) 1,704 23.88% -4.06% 1,776 1,375
세후중단영업분기순손실(Net income) - - - - -
당기순이익(손실)(Net income) 4,436 936.28% -27.62% 6,129 -530
재무상태표 (Statement of the company’s financial position) (단위 : 백만원), (unit: million won), %
항목 (Item) 4Q 2023년 3Q 2022년 4Q 2022년
금액 (Amount) Y/Y 증감률 (Y/Y Increase Rate) Q/Q 증감률 (Q/Q Increase Rate)
자본총계 (Total assets) 289,890 -0.75% -0.75% 292,076 292,069
부채와 자본 총계(Total liabilities) and stockholders’ equity) 875,472 -3.15% 0.25% 873,306 903,927
유동자산 (Current assets) 323,743 -4.19% 5.60% 306,571 337,904
비유동자산 (Non-current assets) 551,729 -2.53% -2.65% 566,735 566,023
자산총계 (Total assets) 875,472 -3.15% 0.25% 873,306 903,927
유동부채 (Current liabilities) 392,861 23.58% 42.89% 274,943 317,890
비유동부채 (Non-current liabilities) 192,721 -34.44% -37.08% 306,287 293,968
부채총계 (Total liabilities) 585,582 -4.29% 0.75% 581,230 611,858
자본금 19,362 0.00% 0.00% 19,361 19,363
기타불입자본 (Other paid-in capital) 68,007 0.02% -1.00% 68,697 67,992
이익잉여금 (Earned surplus) 202,521 -1.07% -0.73% 204,018 204,714
손익계산서 (Income statement) (단위 : 백만원), (unit: million won), %
항목 (Item) 4Q 2023년 3Q 2022년 4Q 2022년
금액 (Amount) Y/Y 증감률 (Y/Y Increase Rate) Q/Q 증감률 (Q/Q Increase Rate)
매출액 (Revenue) 376,619 4.49% 0.91% 373,235 360,443
매출총이익 (Gross profit) 59,805 18.49% 11.75% 53,517 50,472
영업이익 (Operating profit) 6,073 59.10% 41.66% 4,287 3,817
법인세차감전순이익 (Pre-tax income) -1,955 89.59% -331.46% 845 -18,788
법인세비용(수익) (Corporation tax) -400 88.66% -129.10% 1,375 -2,999
세후중단영업분기순손실(Net income) - - - - -
당기순이익(손실)(Net income) -1,555 90.15% 193.16% -530 -15,789
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